Academics » Academics


At Monte Vista Elementary, we use a variety of curriculum resources to provide effective first whole instruction as well as differentiated whole and small group instruction and personalized blended learning paths. We also strive to provide cross-curricular experiences month to month with the coinciding subject-matter content unit and related Common Core standards. Lastly, we strive to set and achieve rigorous and high expectations academic performance goals as measured by several data indicators, classroom, district, and state-based assessments. During the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, we are embarking upon a revisioning of the school model that will bring in elements of such areas as Whole Child, STEAM, Arts, AVID, and International Citizenship qualities (IB). Stay tuned!
The following are some of our curriculum resources:
Benchmark Advance for English Language Arts (cross-curricular themes for Science and Social Studies)
Fountas and Pinnell Running Records (formally three times a year and informally upon need)
Ready Math for Mathematics
iReady Blended Learning Program for ELA and Math
STEMScopes for Science (as well as Mystery Science)
Multiple resources for Social Studies (including Social Studies Weekly Program)
SPARK Physical and Health Education (provided by PE Teacher Support Staff member two days a week per grade level)
Quaver resource for Music Instruction (provided by music teacher)
The following are some of our instructional strategies:
Inquiry Based Learning (Trimester Inquiry Arcs coming soon)
Guided Reading (Fountas and Pinnell and Jan Richardson) and Guided Math
Accountable Talk + Kate Kinsella Collaboration and Language Frames
Makerspace Exploration for STEM
Social-Emotional Learning Strategies for Academic Instruction
Gradual Release of Responsibility for whole and small group instruction
Cooperative Learning Groups
Differentiated Work Stations
Variety of Depth of Knowledge Level Questions and Response
Art curricular extensions
...and more! 
See below for a graphic of many more strategies we utilize at the school site.